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Blog: Blog2

Improvements are always good

C Mawle

Recently I started listening to a podcast while painting in the studio. In this show the host interviews various people who have been successful doing what they love. I found it very inspiring to hear their personal stories.

(can you guess where this is going? She is good,,,,) After tuning in for a few weeks I decided to do a free online course with the host through her website. I knew it was there to lead into a paid version, BUT I wasn't going to do that. Well....I ended up doing just that and signing up for the paid version. The course is about creating content and building an email list. Harmless and educational and a way to invest in myself, a business expense. Hmmm.... One little thing I totally forgot.....I have ADHD tendencies. (which is also where the "forgot" thing and jump on board came in) I have tried online courses before and have flown the coop 1/3 of the way through every one. As soon as I am expected to organize THEIR way I am in flight mode. Unfortunately this course is no different except for one thing. It cost me. I actually did this on purpose to trick myself knowing full well I hate to waste money. (Thanks dad)

So far I am going at a snails pace because the amount of information is so overwhelming. Mind you, this is mostly just me and how I roll. They honestly think sending me an email 2x per week is encouraging. Nope. Just more over the top information to sort through. For instance, I am supposed to create a calendar on an excel document online to plan dates where I sit down and get certain tasks done. The instructor filled out all these dates for me. Sounds easy huh? Nope. That wont work for me. After slamming my laptop closed, ranting, uncrossing my eyes and taking an ibuprofen for my instant headache I finally opened it up again and proceeded to print out a good old fashioned calendar with numbered boxes. I put it all together with a nice even row of staples at the top, the pages straight, even and in order then closed my laptop. Good job Cindy! Enough for today.

This is going to take forever! But I am determined to do it. just one step at a time.

My assignment:

Today I am sending out my blog with a link to a survey I wrote up. If you have a few minutes, I would really appreciate it if you could fill it out for me. Also I would love to send you a small gift via good old snail mail to show my appreciation. (See the bottom of the survey.)

Now, I just hope that I do this correct and the survey actually gets to you. click here for survey <--- that seemed too easy...

OH! And I did get into the studio today. Worked on some tile paintings and a large acrylic on canvas.

The robin is one of my latest ink drawings/paintings on tile. They are so much fun! You can find more info about the robin here :

Stay tuned!

Note: I will be changing my email list to those who are only subscribed to my page. This way I can make sure to keep out any bot addresses and I know for sure you are wanting to receive my posts. Many of my contact list emails are from my old website and are authorized by you but please subscribe here at the top of the page and I will be able to start with a clean slate. Thanks

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