Well its the end of August already. I LOVE this time of year. I have started drinking my morning coffee out on the deck, sitting on the porch swing with my dog beside me. We listen to the crickets, the squirrels dropping pinecone bombs from high in the trees, and the various birds flitting about in the forest in the crisp late summer air. (note I am not saying ‘autumn’ yet….)
This is a much better way to start the day than watching the news.
I was challenging myself to a “morning doodle” (does that sound odd or what?) drawing just whatever came to mind on a small piece of water-colour paper. These drawings began as an exercise for an online illustration course I have been taking on skillshare.com. I will attach a few of my favourites. It's an attempt to bridge the gap between realistic drawing/painting and illustrative work. I always like to learn new skills. Which is why I signed up to Skillshare for a whole year.
As far as the wind in my sails I feel it has lessened somewhat because of the changes in our world. No longer am I eager to set up art classes. I will wait till we find that ‘new normal” whatever that is. No matter what happens I can always stay at home and paint in my studio, improving my skills and experimenting. Some groups that have requested 3 hour painter classes which is good, they are in the works. I still welcome group requests as long as we can find a covid friendly place to hold them.
So the wind in my sails has not completely gone away, it is just blowing me in another direction.
This painting “Lone Sail” is a 12x24 on canvas and was part of a larger piece. I have been cleaning up paintings and re-working the ones I like best. This piece is much stronger now and has a deeper and more relevant meaning right now. I think….
